Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for Elvis Presley

Our topic of today is a face that is most likely familiar to many.
From iconic lyrics to catchy beats and rhythms, this man was, and still is, known by all.
Yes, dear music lovers, The King is the showcase of today’s blog!

Elvis appealed to males and females alike of all ages; he was one of those artists that brought everyone together.
Young boys looked up to him because the “good boys” didn’t slick their hair back and wiggle their hips like that in front of women. Girls loved him because they never saw anything like him before. He was a trendsetter.
Most parents were like, OMG about his onstage antics. But, hey, King of Rock – whatcha gonna do about it?
He was on the Ed Sullivan show a whoppin’ 3 times and was in 31 movies. The camera loved this guy!
So are you a fan of the King of Rock?
Thanks for reading todays blog! Sorry about how short it was. Kind of ran outta time!
See you tomorrow!


  1. Elvis was in Seattle for one of those 31 movies! My aunt was a big fan and saw him in Seattle. Love Suspicious Minds!

    Check out my A to Z! Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  2. Loved Elvis's music when I was growing up. Visiting from A-Z

  3. Elvis is my GUY!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Elvis!! What a PERFECT E post. This just might be my favorite post of challenge!
    A to Z buddy
    Peanut Butter and Whine
